Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Books and Journals

For assignment 3 we had to find 6 or 7 references using crosssearch, that link or cover my design idea. List of resources:

-Black, M (2009) Prototyping a tangible tool for design: Multimedia e-paper sticky notes

This referecne looks at a product which offers a new and innovative way for people, especially designers to work and think of ideas. In terms of my product it would allow people to keep notes of which products they wanted to buy and also the technology behind this product enables me to look at a much lighter and more compact idea for my design. This resources weakness is that it doesn't look at the idea of having a disc that you could load therefore doersn't offers all the relevent information.

- Chebbour, A (1999) The future of Optical disk storage technology

This resource is useful for helping to research the information needed for the disc storage technology for storing the catalogue on the disc, that is then inserted into the e-catalogue design.
This resource weakness is that I am unable to get the full text, therefore it can't be used for futher research.

-Design week (2001) Keep on Moving

This resource is a journal article and it didn't have a visable authour, however I found the source to be very useful in terms of the information it gives as it looks at interactive, portable, touch screen technology which is what my product is based on. The weakness in this article is that there seems to be little information that goes into depth therefore difficult to make references.

- Karahasanovic, A et al (2009) Co-creation and user-generated content-elderly people’s user requirements, Science Direct

This is a useful resource in terms of it looks into and researches the idea the idea of the elderly and the use of technology and computers, and address the ideas behind the difficulties and what could be done to improve and enable them to use and understand technology. The resource is not that useful in that it is especially looking at the elderly and using technology in terms of social networking site and online communities.

- Huh, YJ et al(1988) New recordble optical discs with metal thin film and organic film and polyscarbonate, University of Toyama, Japan

This resource shows actual possibilites of the type of discs that could be used for the design and is a new and innovating way of making compact discs. The weaknesses in this is that it doesn't show or have a product for it to be used for therefore it would depend if it was compactable with the product and was able to adapt to be used in the way it would need to be used.

- Lee, D et al (2009) Effect of key size and activation area on the performance of a regional error correction method in a touch screen QWERTY keyboard

This resource is useful as it researches the idea of the sizes of keys on a touch screen and in my product I want to look at the how having larger more easily read and used keys would be more user friendly for the elderly. The weakness in this resource is that it is talking about the research in terms of mobile phones.

- Lieffers, L (2000) The older adult and public library computer technology: A pilot study on a Canadian setting, K. G. Saur Verlag

This resource is useful as it does cover the idea that some older people have problems using an understanding modern technology such as computers, therefore this show why my design idea would be a benefit for older people. The weakness of this resource is that is is based on the technology used in libraries and is based on a study in Cananda.

- Shen, IH (2009) Lighting, font style, and polarity on visual performance and visual fatigue with electronic paper displays, Science direct

This is useful as it provides information and research into electrontic papers. This is a new and innovative idea which allows you to interact with a thin and portable device. This could be
applied to my product and create a light and easy to store e-catalogue. The weakness of this resource is that it isn't really referencing the main ideas of what I would want my product to do.

Top 5 Design and Textile websites:
1. Vogue http://www.vogue.co.uk/
2. Vault 49 http://www.vault49.com/
3. Unit.nl http://www.unit.nl/
4. art-dept http://www.art-dept.com/
5. In Style http://www.style.com/

Top 5 websites:
1. Topshop http://www.topshop.com/
2. Urbanoutfitters http://www.urbanoutfitters.co.uk/
3. Facebook http://www.facebook.com/
4. Asos http://www.asos.com/
5. French connection http://www.frenchconnection.co.uk/


Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The e-catalogue

For assignment two we were asked to make connections between design and the book 'The Tipping Point'. For the first part we were told to work in a group and brainstorming each chapter in the book to make the connections between different aspects of design that relates to each of the chapters. I found this very interesting and wasn't aware of all the different areas and the vast range of these that actually relate to design.

For the second part of the assignment we had to in group discuss how design can contribute to all of the connections we make in the brainstorming session and come up with new, innovative design ideas and solutions connected to the chapters we looked at. The ideas we came up with included aspects like an i-pod that you control and can download on to through peoples brain waves. Another idea included a map made out of fabric to enable people to easily look at and fold away and use. One other idea that we thought of was a new voting system for television soaps.

For my idea we discussed the concept of a new way of using and storing catalogues. The new idea is where a catalogue is sent out on a compact disc and the disc is then used as an 'E-catalogue'. Which is similar to the e-reader which is used for books. However the e catalogue differs as it would enable the consumer to easily load the catalogue that would be on a disc without the need for a computer. They can then easily look through the catulogue and be able to see samples and

up close details. They can then also simply order their items through this product.