Fashionable technology- The Intersection of design, fashion, science and technology by Sabine Seymour
The first source I have chosen to look at is a book entitled ‘Fashionable technology- The Intersection of design, fashion, science and technology’ by Sabine Seymour, this is a visual exploration of designers and design companies that specialise in different areas of technology textiles. The book is divided up into sections that look at different areas and types of technologies that can be applied to textiles. The information in this source is useful for the topic I have chose as it allows me to learn about the different types of technology there is available and what companies and designers are doing with these technologies in order to create these innovative, unique pieces of textiles. At the start of the book it looks at and lists the types of technologies that could be applied and the considerations in doing this, in terms of material, garment construction etc. From this source it is clear to see that technologies within this field have been applied in to different areas one is for function and carry out a purpose, where the other one is for effect and experiment with how far you can push fashion and textiles to achieve effects.
The purpose of the is book it to inform and learn about the technology textiles and different areas of technology textiles that designers are working in.
The different examples of designers and design companies that are included in the book are Despina Papadopoulos Studio 5050 that are based in New York USA and have created a solar panel dress that is entitled ‘Day for night’ 2006. This is a dress that is made up of circuit boards, which have solar cells to create energy in the dress.
Another design company is that of Manel torres fabrican that are based in London UK and they have created spray on fabric by Paul Luckham. This consists of fibres and polymers that can be sprayed on to any surface to create a sprayed on fabric;
“ His research involved crossing the interrelating disciplines of science and fashion design”
The design company Cute circuit which is based in London, Uk, is a company which specialise in “wearable technology and interaction design”. An example of there designs is the M-Dress (Mobile phone dress) (2007). This is a silk , jersey dress that is also a mobile phone, and it is through the label of the dress that the sim card is placed and through the sleeve that you can talk and hear through.
Another designer working in the area of technology textiles is Hussein Chalasyn who is based in London Uk. His work uses “film, installations and sculptural forms” to explore ideas and uses technology along with different ideas as a technique to do this. Compared with a number of the other examples this designers work uses and explores the idea of art rather than function.
This book explore the different designers that work in and with technology textiles and shows the different and variety of possibilities and ideas explored through technology. In the book it also looks at where you can buy the materials required to experiment with technology, which would allow me to experiment with technology within my own work.
Textile Futures fashion, design and technology By Bradley Quinn
The Book entitled ‘Textile Futures’ by Bradley Quinn is a book exploring the possibilities and different types of textile technology and how designers are using this technology. In the introduction to this book the author explains how they decided to explore the area of technology textiles after being told to go and see an exhibition which looked at this area and being instantly interested and intrigued with the possibilities and ideas of technology being applied to textiles wanted to explore it. In the book it looks at the different types of technology and how it can be applied to textiles and then goes on the explore different designers and design companies using and exploring technology within their work.
“Textiles are transcending their traditional functions and textile futures centres around my conviction that they are morphing into uniquely tactile interfaces through which broader sensory stimulus can be perceived.”
The book looks at the different types of technology that can be applied to textiles therefore allowing me to gain knowledge of this area and learn about the possibilities available for using technology within textiles. It then looks at examples of where technology has been used by designers and differs from the other source I have looked at as it doesn’t just look at the technology in terms of fashion it explores it from all areas of design for instance environmental design, interior design and architecture. An example of this is from a company called Loop.PH which uses technology to create bio, ecological, sustainable installations and sculptures, which also helps the environment around them and tries to promote more eco friendly living and community based work. The ways in which they have used technology is for example is in the idea called Metoblicity, which is small scale glow labs put together to create small sculptures that integrate both hi-tec and traditional farming techniques to allow people to grow and produce plants and vegetables in built up environments for example up street lamps etc.
“Our world seems polarised around sensory extremes, hard, soft, protection and exposure, intransigence and tactility. As textiles embrace new types of fibres and fulfil new roles they bridge these polarities better than any other material.”
In this book along with informing about the different types of technologies it also give insight into the ways in which these fabrics have been developed and how they can be applied to new areas along with traditional uses. It also explores these ideas in a much wider sense than just textiles and looks at how they can be applied in a number of ways and creates exciting new possibilities. The purpose of the book is to inform and excite people in technology textiles and to explore the areas of technology along with looking into traditional areas and how the two can be used together.
“Fibres are dramatically transforming the world around us, and as they do so they also inspire radical new visions for the future.”