Friday, 18 March 2011

Dissertation Proposal Part 2

Title (max 50 words)
This should give an outline of your research topic. If appropriate use a title and a subtitle. You need to get specific and refine the title to capture your research as best as possible.

Are technology textiles just a visual and engineering experiment or does it have a place alongside traditional crafts?

Summary (Stage 2 = max 1000 words, Stage 3 = 1500)
Here you should indicate what you already know about the topic. You should already have done some reading around it. Summarise this reading with regards to the research topic and describe the research area. This will provide the basis for a literature review.

When looking at the topic technology textiles I began looking into the different designers and companies working within these areas. Initially there were two areas in which I wanted to research. The idea of are technology textiles just prototypes or are they useable, wearable and practical in everyday life. Also is it then the usability/wear ability that defines their role and place in society and within textiles. Another area I am interested in is looking at the idea of technology textiles alongside traditional crafts, and looking at them working together and what are the possibilities of this. From research into different types of technology textiles there are two main areas within technology textiles, the functional and the decorative, show pieces. The functional pieces are created to be socially beneficial and created to serve a purpose, where as the show pieces are generally created for effect and are normally shown in a gallery space. These cross the line between fine art and textiles.
From further research into technology textiles and fashionable wearable’s it is shown that they are associated and applied with a range of different displines and technologies which interlink and connect. From biotechnology, nanotechnology, digital technology, textile technology, along with tools and software. The first links between fashion and textiles being integrated with technology was in 1956 with an electronic dress by Atsuko Tanaka. With further developed and exploration more current fashion designers such as Hussein Chalalyn use technology within their work, using this as a means of expressing himself as a fashion designer. This represents the more artist and conceptual use and exploration of technology within fashion and textiles. Design companies such as Loop. Ph work with technology but for different purposes, they want to create new ways of thinking about textiles and create a link between the built environments and nature. This is to create interactive structures that are responsive in terms of harnessing energy and creating a new power source. They aim to create textiles that are scaled up to the size of a built environment and create a sustainable environment. This is a functional textile company that aim for their textiles to serve a purpose and create new ways of looking at textiles in terms of the functions that they can offer. Another designer that works with technology is Cat Mazza and through her work she aims to use it as a tool to protest against sweatshops. Along with using technology she also uses handcrafts and integrates and combines these two areas, as she found by working with technology alongside craft, it allows her to connect with the more tactile elements of handcraft along with the possibilities and innovative ways of working with technology.
The other area I want to research is looking at technology working alongside traditional crafts and being interlinked. Through research I looked into the history of crafts and where it is now in order to establish a new way of working and thinking about craft. Craft during the twentieth century was separated from art and design and there then became a split between having ideas and making things. This idea has changed and the perception of craft nowadays is to have the knowledge and skill in a specialism in order to create and make things. From research I have looked at the future of craft is influenced and integrated with new technologies to create innovation and possibilities in the future. This is shown by the increasing number of designers incorporating the hand crafted elements and technology.
From my initial research I found an interesting link between technology and craft and how in some aspects technology could be considered a craft in itself and how through this idea it allows technology to be more accessible. This also brings the tactile elements in craft alongside the technical possibilities of technology therefore creating a link between the contemporary maker and traditional craftsmen. From further research I have looked at this idea of the link between technology and craft. The book entitled ‘The Culture of Craft’ by peter Dormer explores the idea the in order to be the master of your craft you have to have the knowledge and in using technology you don’t have the complete knowledge as it is through engineers and programs that have the knowledge. But through linking this idea and the idea from a blog entitled ‘Things We Make’ by Ryan Varga that looks at creating technology that people can assemble and repair themselves therefore becoming the the master of the technology and therefore the master of the craft of technology. This new way of approaching technology and craft and creates new ways of thinking and possibly a new craft movement.

(Continued over)
Aims: Why are you doing this? (max 100 words)
These are a general statement on the intent or direction for the research – why are you doing this? Refer to theoretical aims and practical ones where relevant. For example: How might this improve your design practice? How does it contribute to the discourses within your discipline? Who else might benefit from your research? Is it aimed at an academic or a wider audience? What do you hope your research will achieve? State your aims concisely, perhaps using bullet points.

The aims of the dissertation in terms of looking at technology textiles I want to look at are they becoming wearable and usable. Also looking at the reasons for creating techno textiles and the possibilities these offer in terms of society and links with craft. Also looking at technology and traditional crafts and possibly looking at the idea of is technology a craft in itself? I also want to look at where is traditional crafts at the moment and where have they been in order to look at new ways of working and approaches to crafts and technology.

Objectives: What will you produce? (max 100 words)
Objectives are the things you will produce in doing the dissertation, e.g. a review of the relevant literature, a collection and discussion of people’s experiences/opinions, an assessment of a debate or collection of work etc
Like your aims, these will help your tutor (and you) assess your success. They may change over time but aims and objectives are useful to keep you focused. Again be concise here – you may want to use bullet points.

- The primary research:
- Interviews with designers and people working with technology and craft to explore their work and their opinions. Also why they work with technology. Also looking at why their views on technology and craft.
- The secondary research:
- Researching books, blogs, journals and websites.
- From research I have already done it shows that I could establish the development of technology textiles and explore the different types of technology. Also explore the possibilities of looking at technology and craft and the ways in which these could be combined to create new ways of working.

Keywords (min 5 and max 10)
This should be a list of key terms that help us see if you are aware of where your research ‘sits’. For example, if you are writing on depictions of women in advertising your list might include ‘gender, feminism, representation, advertising, semiotics’. Keywords will help you when doing electronic searched for research materials.

Craft, Technology, Possibilities, Relationships, Links, Contemporary, innovation, Roles, Accessibility

Expanded Bibliography (min of 24 books, articles, websites)
Place here alphabetically a list of materials which you intent to use for you dissertation. Format these according to the Harvard Method.
Please make sure you have critically assessed these as being appropriate for your topic and write a short paragraph for each one summarising the content and its relevance to your research area.

-Braddock Clarke, S. E.and Mahony, M., 2005. Techno Textiles 2. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.

This source is useful for researching my topic as it looks at the different types of technology and revolutionary new fabrics and textiles

-Braddock Clarke, S. E.and O’ Mhony, M,1998, Techno Textiles: Revolutionary fabrics for fashion and design. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.

This is the slightly older version to techno textiles 2, however it contains a different selection of designers and textiles. It also gives me a good insight into the different types of technology textiles available

- Braddock, M., 2002. Sports tech: Revolutionary fabrics and design. London: Thames and Hudson

This source enables research into the more technical and functional side of technology textiles.

-Cat Mazza,2010.Art.[online] Available at [Accessed 30th November]

This is a website for the designer Cat Mazza, who I found in one of the books and she is a designer who works with both technology and craft, this relates to my topic as she is a designer combining both areas within her work.

- Clark, R., Estes, F., (1998).Technology or Craft: What are we doing?

- Colchester, C., 2009. Textiles Today: a global survey of trends and traditions. London: Thames and Hudson

-Cole, D., 2008. Textiles Now. London: Lawrence and King

This is a visual exploration of textiles and the ways in which they have developed to create new and innovative textiles.

- David, C., 2008. Futurotextiel 08.suprising textiles, design and art, Oostkamp Belguim: Stichting Kunst book

This source looks at new and innovative ways use using technology and textile and explores new technology and textiles in the future.

- Dormer, P., 1997. The Culture of Craft. Manchester: Manchester University Press

This source is useful at looking at the area of culture, exploring the history of crafts and crafts with technology. The only aspect making not as relevant to my topic is it is not current and up to date with views on technology and craft.

- Eric, 2006. Talk to my T-shirt [Online] Available at [Accessed 5th March]

This is a website that looks at the most current and up to date technology textiles and fashion, therefore enabling me to research designers and new, innovative developments in technology.

- Follett, G., Valentine, L., 2007. New Craft- Future Voices Conference. Dundee: Duncan and Jordonstone College of Art and Design

This source is from a conference held in Dundee looking at craft, with participants of people exploring different projects relating to craft. This source is relevant to my topic as it looks at the idea of traditional craft with some of the project incorpated with technology, therefore offering information and as it is a local conference with designers working in craft based areas it might offer possible people to interview.

-Gschwandtner, S.,2007. KnitKnit: Profiles + Projects from knittings new wave.New York: Stewart, Tabori and Chang

This source looks at different designer working within knit and includes profiles and information on the ways in which they work. This is relevant for my topic as it looks at craft and how different designer approach and look at craft.

-Hussein Chalayan,2010. Hussein Chalayan.[online] Available at [Accessed 1st November]

This source explores the work of the designer Hussein Chalayn, who works with technology and fashion. This source is revelent to my dissertation as this designer was one of the first to explore and experiment with technology within his work and he is also an example of an artists who’s work is more a visual experiment and is shown within gallery spaces.

- Joanne Hodge, 2009. Joprints, [Blog] Available at
[Accessed 5th March]

This is a website of a textile designer Joanne Hodge who is currently doing a PHD on technology textiles, therefore this is a revelent source as the links to blogs, twitter and flicker offer really good knowledge of current technology textiles and events and sources in this area.

- Lee, S., 2007. Fashioning the Future: tomorrow’s wardrobe. London: Thames and Hudson

This looks at textiles and fashions at the time it was written the most current designers, it is relevant as it looks ad technological advances in textiles and fashion and looks at different designers.

- Macarena, M., 2010. Future fashion: innovative materials and technology. Barcelona: Promotora de Prensa International S A ( Promopress)

-Mcfadden, D. R.,2007. Radical lace and subversive knitting. New York: Museum of Arts and Design.

This source shows artists and designers working with knitting and constructed textiles in a new and innovative way. \this allows me to explore different areas and ways of working and explores different artist working with technology and knitting.

-McQuaid, M., 2005. Extreme Textiles: Designing for High Performance. :Princeton Architectural Press

-Pakhchyan, S.,2008. Fashioning technology: A DIY intro into smart crafting. Sebastopol, Calif: O’Reilly.

This source enables you to gain knowledge from a designer working in this area and shows her views towards integrating technology with craft. This literature also gives knowledge on materials and ways in which I could incorporate technology into my own work.

- Quinn, B.,2010.Textile Futures: Fashion, design and technology. New York: Berg

This source explore different designers and design companies working with technology and also explains the different types of technology that can be applied and how. It also looks at the purposes of creating the textiles and what they are trying to achieve, looking at different areas such as surfaces and sustainability.

- Quinn, B., 2009.Textile Designers at the cutting edge. London: Lawrence and King

This explores different designers working within textiles and explores the ways in which they work. It is revelent in that it is exploring designers working in new ways to create innovative textiles.

- Quinn, B., 2002. Techno Fashion. New York :Berg Publishers

- Ryan Varga,2010. We make things.vimeo,[Blog] 15 November, Available at: [Accessed 3rd December 2010]

This is a blog exploring a new way of craft thinking, and is relevant for topic as it talks about how technology could be considered a craft in itself and offers a new idea and new way of thinking about technology and craft.

-Seymour, S., 2009. Fashionable Technology the intersection of design, fashion, science and technology. Austria: Springer-Verlag/Wien.

This source explores different designers and companies working with technology textiles and allows you to explore the different methods of applying and using technology with textiles and fashion. Also showing the different ways and innovations. It also offers where you can buy the different types of equipment and web pages.

-Seymour, S., 2010. Functional Aesthetics; visions in fashionable technology. Austria: Springer-Verlag/Wien

This source is by the same author as the source above but this is of a lot more relevance to my topic as along with exploring the different designers and design companies working with technology, it also looks at how technology textiles are integrated and used in fashion and the timeline showing who technology textiles became and how they are now becoming more usable and wearable for the purposes they were designed for. It also looks at where these pieces are showcased and displayed.

- Syuzi,2010. Fashioning technology: A “Smart” crafting community,[Blog] 10 November ,Available at: [Accessed 28th November]

This source allows you to explore the ways in which a designer who works with traditional crafts and applies technology. This is a DIY manual showing you how you can apply technology to your own work and explaining how it all works.

- Threewalls,2010.Cat Mazza: knit for defence.[online] Available at
[Accessed 3rd December 2010].

This is a website created by the designer Cat Mazza that looks at how she has applied technology and handcrafts to different projects that aim to protest and make people question and look at what the buy and how it is made. This is of relevance as it shows how technology can be used with craft and also how the textiles can offer a function.