Tuesday 2 February 2010

Assignment 1 Swapping Photographs

For assignment 1 we were asked to collect a number of photographs from our childhood or our environments and personal spaces and swap them with a person that you don’t really know. I swapped my photographs with Michael Millar, a girl from my Textile class. We decided to swap photographs of our bedrooms and personal spaces.
When looking at the photographs for the first time I found myself interested and intrigued, and through looking at them I began to get a picture and idea of Michaela’s personality and what she likes and is interested in. The thing that instantly stands out is the décor, which is pretty and youthful with its pink walls and matching furniture. This lead me to think that Michaela’s favourite colour might be pink and that she likes and en joys playing with and using bright colours. Another aspect of which was clear from the photographs is that Michaela is a very neat and tidy person, who is very organised. This is shown through the fact that everything was tidied away and organised, and everything has its place. This may be an influence of her upbringing and her parents. Examples of this is shown by the fact that all her clothes are neatly put away and there is nothing lying around.
From the photographs other aspects of Michaela’s personality is shown through her DVD and book collections, these show a girlie and playful side, through the fact that most of her DVDs are chick flicks or comedies and her books show that she enjoys reading and likes and is into the Harry Potter and Twilight books. Another interest and passion that is shown through out her room is that of art and fashion, shown through the box in her drawer which she has decorated with fashion images which shows a very creative side and the area beside her cupboard which has a pile of paintings and sketch books. There is also a really nice painting on top of her wardrobe which again bring s in the aspect of colour and brightness.
It is clear through looking at her room that Michaela is a very sentimental person, who likes to keep thing s given to her by people close to her. This is shown through the photograph on her desk which is of her and her boyfriend and other photographs around the room for example on her window sal. This idea is also shown by the teddies and other objects such as the pretty and delicate ornaments sitting on her desk and wardrobe , these not only show a sentimental side but shows she has a youthful side and that she enjoys collecting objects that might have memories and connections to her childhood.
From these photographs I think Michaela is a very neat and organised person, who is very girlie and likes pretty things. I found this assignment very intriguing in that I was surprised by how much you can tell about a person and their personality from looking at their personal space.
When looking at the photographs at first I felt quite intrusive and nosey, and after speaking to Michaela when we discussed what we thought of each others photographs, I was surprised how much she had found out about me from my room, and how most of it was right. When discussing with Michaela what I had written about her room, I found that what I had noted was mostly right, apart from the idea that her favourite colour was pink and that the colour scheme and furniture had been mostly influenced or chosen by her mum or young sisters. Also the idea that she was very tidy and organised was right and in fact that was her room messy. The idea that I had thought she is a sentimental person as she kept and collected ornaments and objects was right as she mentioned when we were discussing it that she had even named and remembered each of them and who they were from. From example her souvenir car called Elliot. I enjoyed doing this project and found it interesting how you can get to know someone and things about them and their personality from simply looking at photographs of their environment and personal spaces.

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